Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Everybody who enjoys playing poker would agree with me on the fact that there is no a greater satisfaction than taking part in a tournament where you will be able to prove your skills with the cards and especially if you manage to arrive to the top positions which will allow you to get fantastic prizes.

The biggest advantage offered by the best online poker sites is that they facilitate the possibility of taking part on many online tournaments at very low prices, which moreover give you the chance of winning fantastic prizes.
However, many poker players also dream of taking part in the big live tournaments, but the high buy-in cost create an impossible obstacle. But now, those high costs don’t have to be a problem anymore, as many online poker rooms offer their players the chance of taking part in small online satellite tournaments, whose winner will win a fantastic package which will cover all the player expenses during the tournament, as well as the buy-in cost of course.

In fact, Poker 770 has just started a new promotion, which will allow you to win a sit in the most famous European poker tournament, the Irish Open 2010. Therefore, if you would love to defend the Poker 770 colours in this great tournament don’t hesitate any longer and register in the classification tournaments.
Don’t miss this fantastic opportunity!

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